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Writer's pictureAdam Stevenson

3/23/20 Day 7: Dick's Creek Gap (69.2) to Muskrat Creek Shelter (81.0)

Updated: Nov 14, 2021

Monday, Mar 23 8:03 pm 11.8 mi

AT 69.2 Dick’s Creek Gap → AT 81.0 Muskrat Creek Shelter

Weather: Rain all day, and still not letting up

Trail Conditions: Lots of mud. Last 2 miles were slick

My Condition: Physically felt amazing – downhills were so much less painful on my knees after the “rest day,” much happier now that I have dry clothes on and am in my quilt

Crazy day today. Which Way decided she wasn’t going to continue today. The 1 remaining from that group of 7 or 8 yesterday also went home to Ohio. Grabbed breakfast at the diner next to the Budget Inn and the owner said they may have to shut down soon due to lack of business. They were not running their usual specials because food supplies in town were scarce. Went to the post office – mailed boxes to NOC, Fontana Dam, and Cherokee. We met the nicest lady who insisted Brent and I each take a $20 bill that she offered us. She appreciated that we were still out on the trail and wanted to support us in our journey, especially since we were supporting local small town businesses that are hurting at the moment. Definitely a new, different perspective from what we’re hearing online. Was completely floored by her kindness, giving so much money AND offering a ride to 2 complete strangers. I was thinking later about not deserving that kindness, but on trail today had the thought that I absolutely DO deserve kindness and love. I shouldn’t EXPECT to receive it, but yes, I am deserving of it. We ALL deserve it. Crossed into North Carolina today! Saw a tree that looked like a hydra. Hope I get a chance to dry out tomorrow.

Post Trail Analysis

This was the last I saw Which Way, and she ended up calling it quits on her hike. She offered us the book True Grit, which she had picked up. I ended up needing a lot of that to finish the trail! I still get chills remembering the kindness of the lady in the post office. She didn’t know us, she was putting herself at risk by interacting with strangers, but she still chose to offer us kindness. The world NEEDS that kind of spirit. We thanked her kindly for the offer of the ride, but we had already arranged a shuttle back to the trailhead and still needed to put the final touches on packing. The hydra tree was one of the 3 coolest trees I saw along the entire trail, the other two being massive, ancient oaks.

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