Thursday, August 20 7:19 pm 11.9 AT mi 13.7 total mi
AT 1649.1 Prospect Rock → AT 1661.0 Styles Peak Stealth Site
Weather: Cool and sunny
Trail Conditions: Lots of day hikers today. Vermont continues to be rugged, muddy, and beautiful
My Condition: Feeling refreshed and excited for what’s around every bend
Long blue blaze, uphill all the way, to get back to the trail. Can’t believe how quickly the miles are coming. Sitting atop Styles Peak watching the sun begin to set as we count down the minutes until Puddles’s roast
Post Trail Analysis
If the gravel roadwalk down into town seemed long, it was even worse going back up it! I remember Jinx getting pretty sick on the climb out from town and needing to stop. Puddles did a photo shoot of the distant sunset featuring her Snickers bar, Blue set up her tent in a branch-ceilinged crater/cave, and we continued the Trail Family Roast series. It’s funny, we each had a predominant theme that was mentioned in every single entry – mine being my sugar-rich, incredibly poor diet, Puddles’s being her farts. Good times!! I did my best to roast Puddles hard, but had recently used most of my best material in her birthday poem/roast.
Puddles’s Roast
3 Parts
1st part: Groan-worthy dad joke
People who are gluten free get a lot of hate, but I really respect Puddles for going against the GRAIN. The toilets beg to differ.
2nd part: Knock knock joke
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Hike who?
She asked for a haiku!
3rd part: Haiku
Texas does it big
Everything is bigger there
Mainly Puddles’s farts