Thursday, September 3 6:59 pm 11.0 mi
AT 1829.3 Garfield Pond → AT 1840.3 Zealand Falls Trail stealth site
Weather: Rainy all night overnight, sunny and moderate today
Trail Conditions: Less scary, better views than yesterday. Crossed paths with and passed lots of hikers
My Condition: Feeling good! The Whites are incredible and breathtaking
Zeacliff, a small side trail off the AT, had some great views – one of my best blue blazes so far! South Twin Mountain had a majestic, 360 degree sweeping view of the region. I wish I had a better sense of which mountains are named what and which ones have I been on and which ones am I going to next. While I missed out on Francionia Ridge views yesterday, today rewarded my patience! Still no sign of my trail family, despite sleeping in a little bit. They were shooting for here tonight, but did have some substantial distance to make up (at least in terms of the Whites).
Post Trail Analysis
Not long after finishing this entry, Puddles showed up, followed by the rest of the trail family. This stealth site was incredible – lots of great branches for hanging damp clothes out to dry, plenty of flat spots to choose from. I would later discover the PeakFinder app, which would have been nice to have in the Whites. The app, once properly configured, allows you to look at the screen as if you were about to take a picture, but provides a visual overlay that makes it a piece of cake to know which peaks are which. My trail family got some AMAZING pictures of Franconia Ridge this morning!