Wednesday, September 16 7:18 pm 14.9 mi
AT 1976.4 Eddy Pond → AT 1991.3 Spaulding Mountain Lean-to
Weather: Cold overnight, relatively warm day, cool evening
Trail Conditions: Beautiful, sweeping views!
My Condition: Sore feet, never seemed to hit my stride, yet still feeling good
Saddleback, Horn Mountain, and Saddleback Junior were beautiful – kind of felt like a non-life-threatening Franconia Ridge do-over in a weird way. Did a lot of thinking today.
Post Trail Analysis
Couldn’t tell you what it was I was thinking about today at this point, but I’m sure the upcoming 2000 mile mark had something to do with it. I’m still floored by the fact that I walked 2193 miles. I think back to the large three story map I saw at Amicalola Falls Lodge and the maps I’d see displayed at outfitters along the way. It was staggering seeing those maps at the time, overwhelmed by the sheer scale of this massive undertaking. “I’ve been out here for weeks, and that’s it? That’s all the distance I’ve covered???” At this point, I was in disbelief. Where’d all that map go?? Hard to believe how close we were getting to our goal, even with a little over 200 miles left to go at this point.